Contest: Awake statues or stone sculptures to life by colorizing them

Along with the comics colorizing contest this one has a similar yet different topic. The base for the colorization needs to be a photo of a statue or stone sculpture. As shown in the example above I tried to colorize the sculpture. It is not necessary to bring them totally to life (no photo realism is needed). The key point is to colorize in fanciful/visionary way. You can also add some accessory stuff on your own to the scene (maybe neclaces, rings or so). We hope you’re having fun with this contest, too 😉

Contest: Colorizing comics or line drawings

While the greys of winter are passing by we start to see saturated colors coming back to life. Which is great, because thats what this contest is all about. Getting color into you comics or drawings! Your challenge is to colorize a (maybe self drawn) comic or painting! I’ve done this in the example image which was drawn by a friend of mine (I can’t draw cool / good looking stuff myself :-/). The decision what kind of line painting you want to put color in relies totally on you. Have fun 😉